Tag Archives: Health

The Chemistry of Antibiotics and How Antimicrobial Resistance Forms

The Chemistry of Antibiotics and How Antimicrobial Resistance Forms

Fun Fact: Did you know that the discovery of antibiotics was actually an accident? In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by accident after noticing that mould had developed in one of his Petri dishes, destroying the nearby bacterial colonies. Antibiotics have revolutionized modern medicine, allowing us to combat deadly infections and diseases effectively. But alongside …

Understanding the Chemistry of Hormonal Signaling Pathways

Understanding the Chemistry of Hormonal Signaling Pathways

When we hear the word “hormones,” we often think about mood swings, adolescence, or perhaps even stress. But have you ever wondered about the intricate chemistry behind how hormones actually work? Hormonal signaling pathways are intricate and essential systems that govern almost every aspect of our body’s functions, including growth, metabolism, mood, and reproduction. In …

Epigenetics: Decoding Health Beyond DNA

Epigenetics is a fascinating field of biology that examines the chemical modifications of DNA and histone proteins, which affect gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence. This area of study extends our understanding of genetics beyond the simple sequence of nucleotides in DNA to include the dynamic and reversible processes that regulate gene activity …